Thursday, December 26, 2013

Eye Roast of Beef and Garlic Fingerling Potatoes

Usually on Friday night I do not indulge in such a hearty meal, but I had dinner with Nan last night and she treated me to this fabulous roast beef dinner.  Actually, this eye roast was in my freezer and I put it in the refrigerator to begin to thaw on Wednesday night, thinking I would perhaps fix it on Thursday.  However, I realized it would not be ready to cook until Friday and it was really too big for just me. Nan offered to pick up the roast and prepare it at her house, which she did along with some garlic roasted fingerling potatoes and a great salad too. 

This was about a 2 pound eye roast which was seasoned with salt, pepper and garlic powder and roasted in a 400 degree oven for about 45 minutes. It was just a little pink in the middle which was good, however, ideally I would like it a bit more rare.  I usually take the temperature of a roast with an instant read thermometer and remove it when the meat reaches 125 degrees.  I think we took this roast out at 133 degrees.  The meat should rest for about 15-20 minutes before carving, during which time the temperature probably went a bit higher still.  

The fingerling potatoes were cut in half lengthwise to preserve their "fingerlike" appearance.  They were tossed in olive oil, balsamic vinegar, about 5 smashed garlic cloves and salt and pepper and place in a shallow roasted pan.  They cooked in the same oven with the roast beef (400 degrees) for about 30 minutes or until brown on the outside and tender in the middle.  

I love horseradish with roast beef and, while it didnt make it into the picture, be assured I did have quite a dollop with this meal.  Nan made gravy, which she liberally ladled over her dinner, but I rarely eat gravy (I will admit to a few drops on my potatoes).   I think thats it.  Now, go forth and cook.    

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